Monday 9 January 2023

Three Stories

Me, Mouth Breathing and Heating

Several nose clips 14 and 16 gauge 4" of wire    

 There is nothing like first-hand experience. On December 23, a Thursday,  I was infected with one of the COVID-19 variances and have no idea of which one.  The first symptom was a slight fever on Saturday.  Thinking it was a seasonal cold I applied my treatment that night which seemed to clear it up.

The next morning I felt tired and still had a slight fever.  That afternoon I managed to infect both my wife and sister at Xmas  Sunday dinner.  Their symptoms showed up 2 days later. Monday I used the antigen test kit that confirmed that it was COVID-19.

Neither my wife nor sister was keen on breathing through their mouths and blocking their noses.  Both had sore throats so I suggested first gargling with a hot drink and then a hot bath for an hour.  They also applied heat to their sinuses per instruction using a washcloth.  The next day they both felt better but the following day they both felt miserable. Again I talked them into having another hot bath and they were fine the next day. 

My symptoms were a slight fever, excessive mucus, and a sore throat. First I gargled with green tea.  Then, I applied the heat to both my throat and shoulders, blocked my nose (shown in a prior post) on Monday night, and watched a couple of movies. A few weeks before this incident, I discovered that I could raise my core temperature to 38-39 C by heating my shoulders and back with just a heating pad.

To cover all bases, I also had a hot bath for an hour.  I still had some phlegm from the bottom of my throat and so applied the treatment again the next day twice, once in the afternoon and again in the evening.  Phlegm can be either swallowed or coughed out.  The excessive phlegm stopped and this was the end of the last symptom. The only symptom that bothered me was being very tired on Xmas day.

What I found is that the virus was more persistent than I anticipated.  My treatment was so easy to apply, that I was able to get rid of all symptoms over 4 days. I knew it worked but not how well. Several applications of my treatment a day or so apart may be necessary, or one longer one of 4 hours.  This was the one parameter, the number of applications, that I could not determine. Laboratory tests indicated about 4 hours and my original bath treatment was a really hot bath for ½ an hour.  Also, keeping warm is critical for success.

My guess is, that my early symptom of feeling tired is caused by my body going into combat mode, creating antibodies.

For what it is worth we have all been vaccinated and are octogenarians. The duration time for the 3 of us was about 5 days, from start to finish, with 1 to 2 days of being uncomfortable.  My treatment below in the last few posts is not the magic bullet but it is close.  AR

Wednesday 19 October 2022

What Happens When the Viruses are Vanquished

A Test Cold

It requires only a slight pressure on the nose 
valves to block the nasal cavity air flow  

A week ago I had a slight fever, some chills, a runny nose, and a slight cough. My first cold in 5 five years. I've been vaccinated 4 times for COVID-19 and a fifth one coming soon.  I noticed that a flu shot is included.

So first I gargled with hot green tea, made a new nose clip, installed it then watched 1.5 episodes of Cracker with a break in the middle for ice cream. When I woke up in the morning my throat was still sore so my simple solution was to apply my heating pad to my throat and sinuses. I expected instant gratification and was     
Heating pad to clear sinuses and 
treat the throat

  puzzled.  So I repeated the process, just using the nose clip, the   next night.  
In the morning my expectations were met.    This  was the start of a great clearing that lasted for   a couple of more days. I was sure that the process     was  working and the virus had been killed off but the   reaction time was longer than I expected. My immune   system has a bit of a delay in realizing the danger was   gone. On second thought, it seems reasonable. 

  Cold viruses cause a lot of surface damage. On the surface, cells are killed off when no longer useful.  When the viruses replicate on mass, it is like scratching the back of your hand with sandpaper, a lot more each day. This has to be repaired and the first step is to remove the debris.

The back of my throat was already compromised by some preceding embedded virus so applying my heating pad to my throat and gargled it with hot green tea.  This took a few more days, first to apply the heat and then clear the debris.

There are 3 important takeaways. One is that cold viruses are vulnerable just above normal core temperature and high humidity, the blood supply to the head is very high compared to other parts of the body and the repair system for cell damage to the cilia is very fast. One of the caveats is to apply my treatment when the cold is noted.  The sooner the better.

The great comfort to me is that I know my cold fixing system works for me and that I never have to worry about getting a “cold” again.  I hope my treatment works for you and you can share my comfort. 

Some may wonder how a mechanical engineer has the temerity to provide a medical solution. My degree is in applied science.  I applied the science developed by the people that I reference several posts back.  I found a good way to use their amazing work and I thank them.

Sunday 4 September 2022

You Be The Judge

A rolled up heating pad applied
to nose and sinuses

To be clear, the treatment I show on my website is my treatment for colds in general. Over the last couple of years, I have optimized it to make it easier to apply. The latest photo shows how to add heat to the nose and sinuses by rolling a heating pad tightly. 

My treatment depends on using our normal body heat which commonly varies from 36 to 37 0C (96.8 – 98.6 0F). Older people such as myself tend to lower value and so may require some extra heat to make the treatment work. The treatment also depends on a fever created by the cold virus that heats the body's core temperature to 38 – 39 0C (100.4-102.2 0F) and relative humidity of greater than 95%, in the lungs.  Adding extra heat to the nose and sinuses makes the process faster.

My treatment also for a relatively short time requires blocking the nose and mouth breathing. It also depends on other parts of our immune system besides the fever response. I’m always testing my ideas to be sure they work and measure the results before sharing them.

The deficiency of this treatment is that it has no official standing.  I have mentioned this before and continue to find an official body that will conduct a simple trial.  One problem is that this is a very low-tech solution.  There are no pills to produce or serums to inject.  I don’t know how it can be monetized.  In its simplest form, all you have to do is pinch your nose closed for about 2 hours, as soon as detected, and abide by the caveats suggested. This can be a problem for some people. My rationale is that it is easier to suffer mild discomfort for a few hours than days of misery. Basically, by blocking the nose, the conditions of the lungs are extended to the nasal chambers and throat, virus elimination as opposed to incubation.

We have an amazing, built-in, immune system. It has two parts, the adaptive and the innate.  The adaptive takes care of new intrusions first by determining what the problems are, and developing and making responding devices. It can be preprogrammed for a faster response and sometimes requires a few days for a full response. This is the part where pills and vaccines are made to target a specific virus. The rhinovirus has about 200 variants and about 12 vaccines.  The coronavirus seems to be following a similar course of action and reaction by the medical industry suppliers.

The innate immune part is in place and responds in several ways. For colds that are transmitted by mini aerosol clouds, that are breathed in, the upper respiratory tract, (URT), takes charge.  This includes the nose, throat, and mouth and their various functions. One function of the upper respiratory tract is to warm up and humidify the incoming air and collect some moisture and some of the heat in the air leaving.   The nose and throat are coated with cells designed to catch and dispose of wayward pathogens with the help of handy T cells. Saliva and mucus cover these cells and flush away the debris to the stomach.

These two organs, the stomach, and the lungs are critical to the process.  The stomach creates a toxic environment few pathogens can survive. Similarly, the lungs can produce heat and relative humidity that human cold viruses can’t survive. The data is supported in references I have included on December 7, 2021.

It works for me and I hope it works for you. You be the judge.


Monday 14 March 2022

How To Take Control Of Your Cold


How To Take Control Of Your Cold    (COVID-19 included)

Most nonmedical people have experienced the helplessness of how to diminish or get rid of a cold.  I have tried many cold remedies but most of them treat the symptoms rather than the problem.  They also have fever suppressants which tend to extend the cold’s life.  Hence, the treatment I developed and optimized over the last 2 years.  It has taken me several years to arrive at the simplified treatment “A Cold Quick Fix”, download at the side.  I no longer worry about contracting a cold because I know that I can treat it in a few hours.  This feeling of security is your for the taking.

Below are the key and basic issues.  
  • For a start, one consistent symptom of coronavirus is a sore throat.  If you have a cough, your cough reflex trigger is infected. Try gargling with warm to hot water, add green tea, or add fresh ginger.  You are probably 2-3 days since the infection stage.
  • As a reminder, my treatment for colds is to be applied within a few days after any symptoms are detected. It can be used for most colds and flu including the COVID-9 variants. The purpose is to minimize damage by stopping viruses in the nasal cavity and throat.  It is a generic treatment that enhances our built-in immune fever response. The treatment process time is 1.5-2.5 hours.  The treatment can be self-applied, no extra drugs are required, any extra equipment can be home-made and improvised. 
  •  Most human cold viruses replicate in the nasal cavity and pharynx (throat), the upper airways. The viruses enter as an aerosol and stick to the surfaces.  Their ideal environment for replication is with the temperature in the range of 30-33 0C for colds, higher to 36 0C for flu, and relative humidity 40-60%, created in the above cavity and throat when the air temperature is about 24 0C.
  •  A virus particle replicates exponentially, doubling every hours. One particle can produce 29 copies in about 6 hours times a million or more. The numbers are staggering. Their size is minuscule, about 3 million on could be squeezed on the head of a pin. It is not clear the actual surface density but it can be very high in a day or so.
  •  These viruses have upper temperature and humidity limits where replication is stopped.  Their limits where they cease to exist are in the temperature range of 37.5-39 0C and relative humidity greater than 95%.
  •  If your cold is well developed and if your temperature is 40 0C or more then it is time to get some professional advice.  You may be in trouble.
  •  It is my understanding that cold viruses can’t tolerate the environmental conditions in the lungs and stomach. This makes sense as when we breathe shedding viruses go both in and out. If the viruses could tolerate the lung environment we would all be dead in days.  It is likely the remnants of the damage caused by the flu-type viruses cause lung problems.
  • When part of your immune system senses the virus invasion it will crank up the body temperature setting a few degrees and the heating mechanism kicks in. If the temperature gets too high the cooling mechanism is turned on, blood goes to the skin surface and perspiration is turned on. A worst-case scenario is an overheat condition, a cytokine storm may happen, bad news, massive cooling needed.
  • By blocking the nose and mouth breathing, our upper airways will increase in temperature in the upper airways to our core body temperature and relative humidity of >95% in less than 15 minutes.  With a cold fever, our core temperature will rise to a range of 37.5-39 0C.  Some people such as older people may not be able to develop the highest temperature and added heat may be needed.  This is my primary contribution to curing colds.
  • We are heat engines and in general, require cooling.  If we insulate our bodies with added clothing our core temperature can be raised temporarily, for a few required hours for the treatment to happen. 
  • The quickest solution is to go to bed, pile on a few blankets or fully submerge in a hot bath, block your nose with tape or bandages, try breathing through your mouth first then block one nostril and finally the other.  Endure for 1.5 – 2.5 hours and it is over.  There are alternative ways to increase body heat such as saunas, steam generators, and hot tubs. The key issue is to ensure the nasal and throat passages meet the upper heat requirement.  

·         A few of my references are at the end of my previous post.

For me it is a 2 hour job with some flexibility to avoid weeks of misery. Your choice.


Tuesday 7 December 2021

A Proposal: A generic cure for colds? Or a dud?


How to classify this AlanR treatment for colds.  The main problem is that it is just a home treatment with no credentials. It works for me and my friends.  Thousands of people must have tried it. Over 6,000 Indonesians, about 1700+ people from each of the countries, Hong Kong, the USA, and Germany for example, almost 18,000 in total, have visited the site.  To date, nobody has commented, good or poor. What is needed is some official standing, a simple clinical trial to determine the efficacy.

What the treatment does is kill the virus in the early stages. It is an enhancement of the very ancient fever immune response using the three parameters heat, humidity and time. The unique part is to temporarily convert the nasal cavity and throat, from a place where the virus replicates, to a virus-killing zone.  The process takes about 1.5 - 2 hours. The equivalent that pharmaceutical companies are bringing to market is 3 targeted pills a day for 5 days.

What I am proposing is that a simple trial using my treatment could be a university medical student-level group project for a term paper.  It would need to have the blessing of a professor that is comfortable working outside the box and a student to champion the project. The primary thesis could be that most cold viruses have a sensitivity limit (mortality) in the range of 37.5 to 39 0C and relative humidity of > 95% in vivo (references below). To my knowledge, this has never been done. There could also be a published paper by the prof and students. This project would be a hands-on medical research experience and a bonus to any student’s resume.

There is also a very low risk of applying the treatment if the rules are followed. There are no drugs, no injections, no pain, and no expensive equipment necessary. The required materials are nose clips or medical tape, hand sanitizer (for cleaning the oily nose surface), temperature measuring devices, and PPE supplies, except for the nose clips the above are readily available at most universities. Side effects: a clear nasal cavity, a quick recovery (depending on how much damage has been done by the virus).

 I have sent notes to WHO, NIH, CDC, Mayo Clinic, The UN, Canada Health, 5 Universities, the Health department of 5 provinces, and several clinical doctors. I have had 3 replies, 2 were for permissions to reference their papers.  So far, there have been no debunks that I know of, but the data from my website suggests many referrals.

It is time for me to move on to thoughts about skiing and leave COVID19 in the background. I live in a small valley beside a salmon stream. Eagles are patrolling the stream looking for salmon remains from spawning. Both deer and black bears wander through the two-hector lot on occasion.  Snow is starting to collect higher up on the mountains to the west. I’ve signed up again as a volunteer ski instructor with the adaptive snow school group and the mountain opens for skiing on Dec. 10.

Me, Alan Robb, I’ve been around a university for 11 years as a student and 10 years as a prof., a research centre for 8 years, and a consultant for 25 years.  If interested please contact me through my email .  I live on the west coast for 7 mo and 5 mo in central Canada.

Some References  (revised 01- Nov 23/21)

1.    - Why is temperature sensitivity important for the success of common respiratory viruses?                                 Eccles R.,      Rev Med Virol. 2020;e02153.


     2.   -Body temperature and host species preferences of SARS-CoV-2.

        Uzoigwe, Chika         Edward

3.   -The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS                        coronavirus,    K. H. Chan, et al,

4.   -Role of fever and ambient temperature in COVID-19

               Muhammad Hamdan Gul,a Zin Mar Htun,b and Asad Inayat

5.   -Animal and translational models of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID19                                                                       M. D.  Johansen1, et al,    

          Mucosal Immunology (2020) 13:877–891;


 6.  -Fever and the thermal regulation of immunity: the immune system feels the heat 

           Sharon S. EvansElizabeth A. Repasky, and Daniel T. Fisher HHS Author      Manuscripts   PMC4786079

7.  Protective Facemask Impact on Human Thermoregulation: An Overview

           Raymond J. Roberge*, Jung-Hyun Kim and Aitor Coca  

 8. Local Hyperthermia benefits natural and experimental common colds

        David Tyrrell, Ian Barrow, James Arthur

        BMJ 002231-0020  1989

 9.  Turning up the heat on COVID-19: heat as a therapeutic intervention[version 2; approved]

          Marc Cohen,   Extreme wellness Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

 10. Literature Review of the Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Viruses

         Farhad Memarzadeh, PhD, PE



Tuesday 23 November 2021

A mechanical engineers version of a Colds, including flu and COVID-19 Morphology (Revision 1)

I have tried several versions of this diagram and this is the best of the lot.  There are  problems because of the many variables. So I have divided the life cycle of colds into five stages where obvious changes occur. The life cycle goes from left to right, stages 0 to 5, as you will note the vertical dotted lines and at the bottom of the graph, the stage.

In stage 0, is where I’m stalled and now have been vaccinated 3 times.  I hope to stay there.  Others are not so lucky. The rules are that avoid close encounters, crowds, and wear at least some form of a mask.  I’ve included reference 7 on this topic. My wife is immune-compromised and by default so am I.

In the graph, the most important items are the response curves and their total response lines. The latter is the red solid and dotted lines closest to the horizontal axis, the sum of the red and blue line responses. I should have used orange.

Stage 1 is one of the variables, the density and duration time of exposure.  Infected people that are shedding viruses form a small aerosol cloud in front of them. The cloud is reinforced at leased every breath they release, about 16 times a minute. It is like a cloud of smoke you can’t see or smell. How close you get to a source and how long you stay there, will determine the rate of virus replication. Low, Medium, and High.

Stage 2  seems to take 1 to 4 days. The rate of virus replication is staggering.  I haven’t put scale values on the vertical axis below or above the horizontal axis. But the units go something like this, 1000, 100,000, 10,000,000, 109, etc.  Symptoms such as fever, coughing, extra mucus. You know the list. Meanwhile, the adaptive system is detecting the intruder and developing antibodies targeted to eliminate them.

Stage 2-3  the treatment I promote should be applied when the symptoms have been determined.   Sooner is better than later to minimize the amount of damage. It can be argued that a later response will build up your immunity but why would you risk the loss of taste and smell, damage to your sinuses, etc.

Stage 3, The production of antibodies is a high response most of the time. But viruses have had a head start and therefore some catching up is needed by antibody production. The net effect is shown between the solid red and dashed lines just below the horizontal axis. When the rate of antibody production is greater that than the rate of virus replication then the cold duration is only 7 to 11 days roughly.  This is at the first blue and red vertical dotted lines. 

Stage 4, But if the development of antibodies is a weak response, (the lower red dashed line), and the virus is stopped, (the vertical red dashed line) because there are no more cells to corrupt, then the cold continues in stage 4. I can only speculate what happens in this last stage. I think this is where shortness of breath starts.  Several things are starting or pending. If you are lucky it all stops here. The viruses can’t survive in the higher temperature and humidity in the lungs, nor can they survive the demolition process in the digestion system. So it must be bacteria part of the immune system defense has been destroyed in the nasal cavity and the pharynx, nose, and throat.  Not a good place to be.

 That is the best that I can do. It is a little complicated. How can this be used? If you have a fever, that seems to be the first line of defense.  They have tested on mice and found that when you let nature prevail and don’t take fever depressants your survival chances are much greater. Researchers use special mice that mimic our responses. What is interesting to me is the response curves or net effect. If you have a high mean temperature and metabolic rate you are likely in the 95 - 99% that will survive. Your immune response curve will be steeper and the cold will stop sooner.

What worries me is how close the response are.  Even if you have vaccination and you still get the virus your starting point for the blue line starts much sooner and thus you are still a way ahead of the virus. Stage 2 is shortened and the net response is much less and the cold stops sooner.  It should be noted the diagram will be different for everyone.  It can be generalized to fit a population but that is a big job and you must have access to the data.

The last point is that the red lines stop when the treatment is applied.  Pharmaceutical companies are working on pills and aerosols now, that will essentially do the same as the heat treatment. I’m partial to my generic solution.

Alan Robb, PhD, Engineer

P.S.  I am not the first person using heat to stop colds in the upper respiratory tract.  One of the earliest was David Tyrrell in 1989 and more recently Marc Cohen in 2020. They should have been include in the original list.  I've added the latter two to my references attached.  

Comment:  To my knowledge I'm the only one suggesting blocking the nose and applying surface heat.

Some References  (revised 02- Nov 23/21)

1.    - Why is temperature sensitivity important for the success of common respiratory        viruses?                       Eccles R.,      Rev Med Virol. 2020;e02153.


     2.   -Body temperature and host species preferences of SARS-CoV-2.

        Uzoigwe, Chika         Edward

3.   -The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS                        coronavirus,    K. H. Chan, et al,

4.   -Role of fever and ambient temperature in COVID-19

               Muhammad Hamdan Gul,a Zin Mar Htun,b and Asad Inayat

5.   -Animal and translational models of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID19                M. D.     Johansen1, et al,    

          Mucosal Immunology (2020) 13:877–891;


 6.  -Fever and the thermal regulation of immunity: the immune system feels the heat 

           Sharon S. EvansElizabeth A. Repasky, and Daniel T. Fisher HHS Author      Manuscripts   PMC4786079

7.  Protective Facemask Impact on Human Thermoregulation: An Overview

  Raymond J. Roberge*, Jung-Hyun Kim and Aitor Coca  

 8. Local Hyperthermia benefits natural and experimiental common colds

        David Tyrrell, Ian Barrow, James Arthur

        BMJ 002231-0020  1989

 9.  Turning up the heat on COVID-19: heat as a therapeutic intervention[version 2; approved]

          Marc Cohen,   Extreme wellness Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

10.  Literature Review of the Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Viruses
       Farhad Memarzadeh, PhD, PE

Thursday 28 October 2021

A Quick Fix For Colds including COVID-19

          A Quick  Fix

This is about a quick fix for colds and COVID-19 and variants. If you have some of the symptoms, have been tested positive and, are not interested in the details here is what you can try. The treatment should be applied when symptoms occur for best results. It is a simple enhancement of the immune system with no pills, no injections, and low to no cost.  It requires that you must block your nose and breathe through your mouth for at least 1.5 hours.  If you are uncomfortable with this, read no further.  For you people that are still with me here is what to do.   

Get some equipment.

·         Something to block your nose. I made a simple nose clip using house wire leaving the insulation on. Shown in the picture with needle-nose pliers and the copper wire diameter and length. Nose clip are available on line at Ebay and Amazon for quantity or, in sports stores and in Canada what we call drug stores. Or a piece of wide medical or hockey tape. 

  • ·         A thermometer
  • ·         Some way to keep time.
  • ·         Pad and pencil.
  • ·         A way to keep your body warm and your head in particular. A sweater, head covering, light coat, sauna, warm bath, sun in moderation, skipping for 5 minutes or, some physical activity to increase your body temperature if needed.
  • ·         Maybe some way to heat your sinuses around your nose if they are bothering you. I use a heating pad but hand, foot, and body warmers pad wrapped in a layer of cotton cloth will work. Follow the instructions on the package.  The local price where I live is about $1 per pad.
  • ·         You may need some nose tissue of some sort.
  • ·         You will need to be hydrated so have a supply of water, tea, coffee but not alcohol.
  • ·         Some entertainment to divert your mind.


  • ·         If you have taken any cold or anti-fever pills that contain acetaminophen (Paracetamol), Ibuprofen, and Aspirin, wait until they stop being effective. Some last  12 to 24 hours.  Fever is your friend and best defense mechanism. 
  • ·         Get warm until you perspire. Measure your temperature orally under and at the back of your tongue. Your reading should be 37 0C or 98.6 0 for your core temperature to be (38-39 0C) or (100.4-102.2 0F). This method reads low by almost 1 C to 2 F. If you don’t have a thermometer but an apparent temperature that will be a good start.
  • ·         Find a warm place where you can be comfortable for 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Note that if you use a hot tub make sure the water temperature is below 39.4 0C or 103 0F and set an alarm for 2 hours. You don’t want to cook.


  • ·         Start when you are warm and comfortable.
  • ·         Block your nose so that no air can come in or leave using one of the nose blockers           mentioned above. Your nose produces a unique oil that should be cleaned with               soap and water.
  • ·         Record your time and temperature.
  • ·         Sip fluids as you progress
  • ·         Stay warm and comfortable for about 1.5 to 2.5 hours. If you wish you can unblock your nose for a few minutes (2-5), particularly if necessary to swallow. At first, it takes about 10-15 minutes to heat your nasal cavity and throat to your core temperature.  This is the start of the demise of cold viruses. The duration time for this to happen depends on the upper limit of the particular cold virus. COVID-19 seems to be sensitive to temperatures just above 37.5 0C and rhinoviruses slightly higher. My personal experience with the latter is a duration time of about ½ hour with the temperature about 39 0C.
  • ·         If your sinuses and nasal cavity are clear you are done.
  • ·         If your sinuses are blocked in any way, this is a good time to add heat to them. Concentrate the heat to the forehead just above the nose and the top of the nose then both cheeks just below the eyes, 15 to 10 minutes at each location.
  • My advice is to repeat the process the next day if not completely cleared after the first treatment.

Note:  For the best results this treatment should be applied as soon as any of the symptoms appear. Waiting a few days will help to build up your immune system but on the downside, your sensors for smelling may have more damage. As the viruses multiply the channels that connect to your hearing and eye can become compromised and this is when strange sensations start to happen.  If you wait too long before applying this treatment and your fever rises too high then you are in trouble and must take measure to cool you body quickly.

For more information, you can click on the link on the right How to Cure Common Cold(6) or look at a few of the previous posts.

Good luck,

Alan Robb, Ph.D.  (aka AlanR the engineer) 



Tuesday 20 July 2021

About a Treatment for the Common Cold, Including COVID-19


COVID-19 has for more than a year highjacked my mind and website. My initial goal was to help keep my local ski mountain open for the next season. The ski season opened but not because of my efforts. 

Over the last few years, I had found that by applying sufficient heat to my sinuses and nasal cavities the colds would go away. But after reading and learning about where colds develop in our upper respiratory tract I began to understand some of the medical language, terms, and processes. I had a mission to determine why I got positive results for this simple application of heat. Why did my simple treatment work? 

The pink and red are the areas of interest
I found that there has been extensive study of the rhinoviruses but most of it concerned the mechanism on how cold viruses were able to multiply and the conditions necessary and how to block the process.  There is little information on how to destroy the viruses directly once the replication has begun. I knew from previous experience that viruses have upper-temperature limits and eventually found that for cold viruses humidity also plays an important part.

The general information is that our chances of survival after being infected are quite high but very good for younger people and less as a person ages. High infection and old age are a bad combination. Why is this? Speculating it could be a combination of the amount of physical activity, metabolic rate, and a lower core temperature as we age. It may also depend on the virus variant and its upper-temperature sensitivity when the viruses fail.

When I discovered that the upper sensitivity of the coronavirus was possibly as low as 37.5 0C On my own I discovered that by blocking my nose and breathing through my mouth, can raise the nasal cavity and nasopharynx (top of throat tube) to my body core temperature, I knew that it was possible to make my treatment workable for most people. By concentrating the added heat application at the center of the pink zone, (figure top right above) the transmitted heat is sufficient to meet the criteria of 38-39 0C and >95% relative humidity. But if the core temperature is in the above criteria range because of a fever or higher metabolic rate, adding extra heat may not be necessary.

So you don’t have to look at all the previous posts I made a PDF download of  How to Cure Common Cold(6)  Or in the separate list to the right. The first portion before I added the previous posts is all you need to get started. The following previous posts have the information on how and where to apply extra heat. I liked the post immediately following this one, on "Tinkering with Colds", which is included at the end of this summary. 

Does this this treatment work?  I don’t know the efficacy of this treatment. All I know is that it works for me and my friends, and over 11,000 views from countries around the world. No person or organization has commented, just me, as a test. So if you wish to comment, send me a note at: 

Good luck and good health to you. 

AlanR, the engineer

Tuesday 16 March 2021


Tinkering with Colds (more coronaviruses stuff, Revision 1)

The infrared gun gives both the target
 and background temperature values.

If you look closely at how the components of our immune system work, the coronavirus, and other cold viruses, could be dispatched readily if you chose not to tinker with them.  We know more about viruses and their morphology than we did 60 years ago.  Our body has a very sophisticated system for dealing with pathogens and is worth looking at its advantages and shortcomings.

When you get a cold, a fever is one of the first reactions of the immune system. This raises our mean temperature to a level equal to the sensitivity temperature of most cold viruses. This is good because most cold viruses reproduce between 30-33 0C and relative humidity (RH) 45%, slow reproduction significantly at normal core temperature, and meet their demise at > (38-39) 0C and RH>95%. The higher fever temperature will prevent the virus from doing damage to the lungs. Taking fever suppressants such as acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen will prolong the cold and may increase the probability of serious damage. Another point about fever is that it may suggest that you feel chilled.  It is best to add more covering, as fever is a high energy user, and this will help you to reach the higher needed temperature.

The immune system also increases the production of mucus. This helps to wash away some of the reproduced viruses and debris caught or created. Mucus can also plug your nose valves at the outer end of the nose. When this happens, the temperature will rise in the Upper Respiratory Tract (URT) to your core temperature. Also, the RH will be similar to the lungs, >95%.  This condition will cause the end of the viruses and probably the way people survived in the past. Breathing through the mouth can be uncomfortable but if you are engaged in any physical activity, that breathing through the nose is insufficient, breathing through the mouth is automatic. We tinker by clearing the nose too soon.

The immune system gets busy creating antibodies for the future and present. There is a race between the viruses and the antibodies and many factors cause the outcome. This is the portion of the immune system that pharmaceutical companies tinker with. Vaccines created are often immune system enhancers. They precondition the immune system by helping it create antibodies for specific viruses.

It is critical to treat a cold immediately on infection, to avoid damage to your major sensor systems, smell, sight, and hearing. Viruses can play havoc with the various tube openings in the URT, and mucus can plug these important channels, a shortcoming.  Any disturbance has a very short distance to the brain which may cause something unpredictable.

So, I propose to tinker positively. People that have tested positive (long haulers?) and have no fever, maybe reservoirs, and may have a high metabolic rate. It is still necessary to assume infection.  Adding heat as suggested or by a workout, or some way to increase the core temperature (38-39) 0C, then block the nose for an hour or so. 

If your old and have a core temperature of about 36.3 0C like me, do one of the treatments adding heat with a heating pad or hand warmer as suggested in my previous post. A couple of repeats may be necessary or two short ones a day apart if you prefer. Add extra covering, hats, coats, sweaters, layers, etc.

Some other alternatives are hot tubs if you are accustomed to them. Or a sauna will work provided the temperature and humidity reach the demise criteria above.

How will you know if the treatment works? I did my treatment at night before going to bed and the colds were usually gone by morning. The residue if I waited too long to apply a treatment, took a few days to clear up. You should feel better almost when you finish.

What I would love to happen is a proper test in vivo, for efficacy, and parameter variations. If you are reading this you will note at the bottom there is a place to comment. There is only one comment, mine to see if it works. So I’m cruising blind and hoping I am helping and not causing any harm.  Please comment!

I’m in the process of writing a summary and putting all the posts about colds and COVID-19 as a download under my ski manual and video.  As an engineer, I apply science and don’t necessarily create it. Like pharmaceuticals, the treatments I suggest are also enhancements to our immune system  but applied after infection, not for prevention.

There are 5 pervious posts about COVID-19. You may have to click on older posts below to see all of them.