Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Perfect Stance For You

There is no perfect standing position that fits all but there is one that is perfect for you.
You must know the rules.  First find your neutral position.  Stand with your feet (boots and skis on) about two boot widths wide, legs and body straight. Your boots may force you to bend your knees a bit.  Your weight on your big toe pads and heels should be equal. No pressing on the boot cuff at the top of the boot. Now bend forward as though you are bowing at the waist without bending your knees.  Your arms should be out at the side at at about 45 degrees and elbows bent (like carrying a large tray of glasses).  The pole bottoms should be positioned at your boot heels.
Now to the tricky part.  Bend your knees and waist until your chest hits your knees.  No pressing on the top of your boots and weight neutral on your feet.
Somewhere between these positions is your ideal neutral position.  Shift back and forth between the two positions.  Try to maintain a constant body angle with the ground.  Try different body angles to apply different pressures.
In order to start a turn you must put pressure on your big toe pad on one foot.  Pressure on your left foot toe pad will turn you to the right and the opposite for your right foot. No pressure on the cuff of your boot.  Note your position. Flex and straighten your knees to get familiar with this position.
To finish a turn, use the same rules.
As the hill gets steeper, you must bend forward more to maintain proper balance.
Bending forward allows you more rotation of your legs, more pressure on your toes and more balance.
You can control the amount of turning by tipping your knee in the direction you want to go. Called steering.
Bending both at your waist and knees allows you to absorb dips and bumps without shaking up your body.
If you feel pressure on your boot cuff, your are applying too much pressure to bend your ski, or your ski is too stiff.
Two of the most common problems are skiing with pressure on your heels and not facing both your head and shoulders in the direction you want to go.  Go slow and get the motion and position right.
It takes practice to get everything perfect.

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